Monday, January 12, 2015

17 of the best and funniest print ads out there

While advertisements in video form can be funny, never forget print ads. Printed ads may be a dying breed, companies still know how to make them really funny, let's take a look at some funny ones, in my opinion.

 At least his brain is okay to rethink his strategy next time he gets on a bike.

*Badum tshh*

Not only a fast internet connection, that man is a damn fast typer.

Here's something to think about: How come you never see a headline like ‘Psychic Wins Lottery’? – Jay Leno

 I've been told that the Chinese writing implies that she's not wet from arousal, but the bike is so fast she actually peed herself. 

 What is he doing? The girls are over th... Oh, it's an ad for wide angle lenses.

 This brand makes shit happen.

 God, what a pugnent smell. Get it? Not sorry.

People must be getting tired of my constant flow of puns

 As good as this ad is, I can't be the only one who dreamt of a Nissan 350z or a Mitsubishi Lancer EVO

I'd say I'm more comfortable with this than with him humping a pillow 

 Now thát's an earworm

 Seagull? More like didn't see gull!

 This trick must be hard to pull off.

They can be as sharp as you want, just wash them after cutting up flies.

 As much as I like this version of the ad, the one below this will be my favourite of this campaign.

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