Friday, December 5, 2014

Humour 101, What will I be writing about?

It’s an age old question: Does humour really make advertisements more effective? I can tell for sure it makes some ads a lot more bearable. This has a flipside though, advertisements who try too hard to be funny are absolutely unacceptable. I’m looking at you, infomercials.

In the next forty posts, I’m going to show good and bad examples of humour used in advertising. We’ll travel around the world and see how humour is used differently in other countries, like the weird Japanese commercials, or extremely exaggerated and patriotic advertisements from ‘Murica. I won’t just post articles where I point and laugh at commercials. I have several scientific articles lined up to dive into theories and opinions on the effectiveness of humour in commercials, why people laugh at certain things and why this is different in certain cultures. All this will be shown in fancy graphs for your viewing pleasure.
A lot more to come in the next couple of weeks, keep laughing and keep reading.

Meanwhile, I’ll keep laughing my ads off.

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