Friday, December 19, 2014

WTF Japan? - It's so hard to think of titles for these posts

I added something to my bucket list. "Be there when a Japanese advertising agency pitches a commercial to a company." Because I can't actually be there myself, I'm going to imagine how the pitched the idea of the following commercial.

Agency: "Okay, so. You know how choco balls are all the rage right now? What you may not know is that your demographic is crazy about ducks. I know you must be getting incredibly excited already, but wait, it gets better. Our study shows that young people are amazingly motivated by isolated heads. I know! Weird, right? So by combining these three elements, you will develop the perfect commercial for your brand of chocolates.
Any questions?

CEO: "That's ridiculous! Why don't you let them hop around and say "quack quack quack choco balls" while you're at it?"

Agency: "Genius. We'll have it on your desk by next week."

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